Because the face area is reduced, I think the features are alive!
2020-12-24 05:15

For a long time, I was worried about looking ferocious and masculine because of my cheekbones and angular chin. I thought about facial contouring, but it was a major surgery, so I wanted to find a proper hospital, so I was asking my acquaintances. When I looked it up, it was a big building that was about 3 minutes walk from Sinnonhyeon Station! Of course, just because a hospital is big doesn't mean it's a good hospital, but trust is inevitable ^^;; I went to View Plastic Surgery for the first time after making an appointment for a consultation! Starting from the reception desk on the first floor, the entire building consists of an operating room, a consultation room, and a recovery room, so no matter how big an operation is, I don't think it will be inconvenient. ? I was waiting for a numbered ticket, but it didn't take much time to wait compared to the number of people waiting because there were a lot of rooms for consultation! I was assigned to a professional facial contouring teacher, so I had a more in-depth consultation! Rather than a chin that looks too unnatural, I originally wanted only the angular part of my face to be corrected, so I said that part, so the head teacher listened to my opinion and adjusted it! After meticulously checking the face line and hearing that the procedure would be carried out on a non-dangerous line, I gained more confidence. 1 week

Hello! It has already been a week since I had facial contouring (square chin + cheekbones) and fat grafting (front cheek + temple + nasolabial folds). Even though it was hard and uncomfortable, I think the saying that time is medicine is right hehe For a week, I ate mostly liquid foods such as soft tofu, porridge, and yogurt, and I walked a lot, etc. I can feel my mouth opening up a bit and the big swelling on my face is gradually disappearing! Since it is a major surgery, I looked up a lot of reviews, and most of the people who had the operation said that the operation itself did not hurt because of anesthesia, but life and management after that was very difficult. But I really think that's true... When you first came out of the surgery, were you feeling dizzy and a little nauseous from waking up from anesthesia
? There was no pain in the face.uh I went home after recuperating (?) at the hospital for 2 days and 1 night, but the nurses continued to take care of me by adding additional medicines or changing ice packs if I had any discomfort! And since the next day, when I go home, I sit as much as I can, eat liquid food for all three meals, and gargle frequently! Those procedures are a little tedious hehe On the third day of surgery, go to the hospital and remove the tape on the chin, disinfect the mouth stitches, disinfect the cheek stitches, and disinfect the fat-extracted part (tummy). I really thought I would live at this time ㅠㅠ And today, the long-awaited week of the week! I went to the hospital again. When I went this time, the regenerative laser for swelling management, the fat extraction area and the stitches in the cheekbone surgery area were removed!! The stitches in the mouth are not yet blue, but it is cool to be able to take a shower by removing these parts!! I visited two times in the hospital after surgery, continued swelling haejusigo management continues to recognize this lapse also look at giving such officials to be more thoroughly good gatahyong 2 Parking

It's already been 2 weeks since I received 2 types of facial contouring and facial fat grafting~ Day by day, daily life is becoming possible differently than the first time! There are still hard foods or foods that require a lot of chewing, but you can eat rice instead of porridge and eat all types of noodles! Oh, and in order to stick to the bones and flesh better, I keep craving it at home. When I go out, I wear a mask, and when I walk around, the wisdom tooth is removed and swollen? Even when I meet my friends, they all say that I just received wisdom tooth treatment hehe The bruises are all gone!! Yesterday, I went to the hospital to treat swelling and finally got my long-awaited stitches in the mouth. Hehe People who did facial contouring said that loosening stitches in the mouth was really painful, so I ate a lot of fear
. So I didn't get sick at all!! Except for the fact that I couldn't open my mouth wide because of the clown and nasolabial fat graft, so I tried to forcefully open it, but my lips swelled up..!! So yesterday, my cheekbones, stomach, and mouth stitches were all good bye!! Hahaha I also received treatment for swelling with a high-frequency laser, and if I just lie down for about 15 minutes, I get laser treatment! They say it comes down from the top, but now the swelling is concentrated in the chin area ㅠㅠ I can see the results of the surgery better when the big swelling goes away, but I'm satisfied so far~ haha Week 3

It is the 3rd week after facial contouring (cheekbone, square jaw) and fat grafting (nasolabial fold, anterior cheekbones, temple) surgery! It's the 3rd week, and I can really feel the swelling disappearing day by day. Hehe Until last week, the square jaw was swollen and the jaw line was awkward, but by the 3rd week, the big swelling is gradually disappearing and you can see it with the naked eye! So I really like the chin line that comes out slowly. Now that I wear makeup and go about my daily life, there are some things that compare to my old face, right? Haha The cheeks part and the part under the lip (the nerve part) haven't fully returned, so it's awkward to make an expression? Everything is fine except for that! I thought I had to go around a lot so the swelling would go down a little faster, so I made an appointment with my friends and walked around on purpose, but if I didn't say it, my face got a little fat, and I got pretty. If the atmosphere seemed dark, after fat grafting, I definitely have a younger face! And since facial contouring surgery takes about 3 to 6 months to recover, the swelling hasn't completely disappeared yet, and it's not in a state that can be used naturally like my face, right?! Therefore, even if it is possible to carry out daily life, it is necessary to maintain it regularly! I don't even eat hard and chewy food at all, and I make sure to crave it in the morning before going to bed to prevent sagging! 1st month

This is the second month after facial contouring and fat grafting surgery! The swelling is really decreasing day by day hehe The jaw line, which was blurry because of the swelling up until last week, is slowly rising. Now that I am completely able to live my daily life, I see my friends often, but if I don't tell them, I really don't know haha It's such a big surgery, but how is it so natural hehe How has the atmosphere changed? How long has it been completely? Hehe I also take a lot more selfies as I watch the swelling go down, and I buy and decorate more cosmetics. I definitely can't see the shape of my face when I'm taking photos or when I'm styling it, so I can do more styles and it's very comfortable~ No need to try to cover it up!
I was more interested in doing it naturally rather than having to do the surgery, so I think the results of the surgery turned out so well! In the case of fat transplantation, it is enough to fill in the missing part, but it definitely feels like it has been a while.. It's only been a month, but the swelling has gone down so quickly, so I'm really satisfied. You'll be fine in about 2 months! Although it looks good on the outside, the inside of the flesh is not completely healed yet, so I don't eat hard and chewy food for nothing, and I'm going to try to take better care of it~ haha 2 months

Hello! This is the second month of facial contouring and fat grafting. About a month after the surgery, I thought the swelling had gone down a lot, but now two months have passed, it's much more natural than it was after a month! He said that he can eat all kinds of foods that require a wide open mouth, such as hamburgers and wraps, and that smiling and making facial expressions is definitely more natural!
Even if I just burst into laughter (?), I don't feel hungry or anything! It is important to be natural, but the difference before and after surgery is also important, right? I'm very satisfied ㅠㅠ In the past, I had a bumpy face shape and lack of fat, so I looked wild and masculine because of the sunken parts of my face. I myself was in a hurry to correct my face shape with photoshop because of my angular chin or wide face shape, but now I take pictures with the rear camera.. Hehe People who don't know if I've had surgery are just wondering if I've lost weight or got Botox these days! The cheekbone and square jaw surgery are definitely bone-removed surgeries, so there seems to be a clear difference before and after fat grafting in the temples and nasolabial folds, on the other hand, rather than a dramatic change, it really naturally made the face shape. I think it would have been so empty if I didn't..! The surgery was recommended by the director, and I am very satisfied! 3rd month

Hello! I came with a review after 3 months of facial contouring/fat transplantation haha Most of the surgery reviews say, "Facial contour is a real face from 3 months onwards"!? I also thought that the swelling had gone down a lot in the 1st and 2nd months, but now that it is 3 months, I really feel the importance of 3 months lol. I'm just eating it all! There is no problem with chewing, so I forgot to have surgery hahaha It doesn't interfere with my daily life hehe When I look at the pictures in the 1st or 2nd month, when I smile or say something, I feel a little craving, but now I don't feel that way at all! Haha Even if you touch your face with your hands, the fact that the cheekbones and the square chin are included before SMRUWUDYGG surgery I thought that facial contouring would change your face dramatically It seems to be about a little more gentle (??)!! I hear a lot about whether it was because of the fat transplantation on the recommendation of the director, or that it has definitely been done for a while! In my case it was a complex facial lines are bumpy That part I figured I had to be resolved well in stand dimensions seureopguyo so much satisfaction management and recovery period than ㅠㅠ I think I stand a surgery that meets ㅠㅠ Month 4

Hello! This is the 4th month review of facial contouring and fat grafting. Now that it is 4 months old, the difference from 3 months ago is that there is a feeling of returning to the cheeks area where there is little sensation! When you touch your skin after applying anesthetic cream, do you not feel the touch? I had that feeling on my cheeks until last month, but as the month goes on, even if I have such a detailed feeling, there is a certain difference. I don't think I did it to the point that I thought I had surgery... I forgot all the uncomfortable things until a month after the surgery ㅠㅠ But again, as you can see in the picture, the atmosphere and face shape have definitely changed, so I'm really happy with it ㅠㅠ Friends around How much weight did you lose just because you were so pretty ! On the contrary, if it had changed drastically, I would have recognized the operation right away. Hehe The
face shape becomes smoother and the face area (?) decreases, so I think I will definitely buy more features! I feel once again that the shape of the face is so important ㅠㅠ Oh, and since the facial contour is a surgery that touches the bones, no matter how much you do, the amount of jaw muscle continues to grow, right? So, in terms of management after surgery, they said it would be better if you keep managing, such as avoiding hard or chewy food as much as possible~ Hehe In the case of fat transplantation, he found light for me, who was in a damp atmosphere because there was no fat on his face.. Hahaha definitely a seat There's nothing unnatural about holding it. It's just that the improvement of the image that doesn't look tired and flattered is visibly revealed ㅠㅠ I'm very satisfied!!

5th month
Hello, I had surgery while it was warm, but the weather is already this cold ㅠㅠ This is the 🙂5th month review of facial contouring, 3 types of fat grafting! Now the big swelling is really gone, and the minor swelling seems to have gone away haha I feel a lot more comfortable every month and there is no problem in my daily life, but every month I take pictures, it feels a little more natural. People who haven't seen it in a long time know that it's just that she's become so pretty! Looking at the pictures I took at the 3rd month, I thought it was very natural at the time, but compared to now, there was a lot of little swelling. Swelling looked severe, but now it definitely feels like the swelling has subsided a lot when I make facial expressions or take pictures. It was an opportunity to do this. When I was taking pictures from the side, the cheekbones that had been photoshopped in the past were so tidy that I didn't even have to photoshop them! Haha I always wore a short haircut and covered my face shape, but now I’m turning my hair behind my ears and trying to lengthen my hair hehe It’s a very satisfying surgery. It’s been 6 months

Hello! This is the 6 month review of facial contouring and fat grafting 3 types of plastic surgery~! It is said that when it is 6 months after plastic surgery, the cup swelling is gone and it is my real face! In fact, since 3-4 months, I couldn't feel much change because almost all of the swelling on my face, uncomfortable opening of the mouth, or the small swelling on the cheekbones disappeared. !!I really wonder if this is the difference in surgical ability ㅠㅠ In other reviews, I was worried about being able to live a daily life with my mouth wide open since I was about 6 months old ㅠㅠ Ah! And all the scars on the side of the cheeks have disappeared because of the cheek surgery!! My breasts were tight and I could see it when I tied my hair, so people around me often asked me, but now I can't see it completely, so I tie my hair up proudly~! I used to cover my face with my hair all the time because of the face shape that made it stand out because of the thick features, but now that I have confidence, I always show my face and try to show myself more confidently when styling. I feel like I'm trying to act confidently wherever I go because I've gained confidence! Because of these changes, even plastic surgeons recommend to friends around the always-per-view gatseupni to recommend Cosmetic Surgery 7 Month

This is a review of facial contouring and fat grafting hehe It has already been 7 months since the surgery! It became so natural that I even forgot that I had the surgery. ㅋㅋ I didn't know that the surgery was so natural, but I saw a picture or video taken before the surgery a while ago. Should I say that the atmosphere itself is different ㅠㅠ? It seems that the strong impression before the operation has disappeared because the facial line has become softer! After the first operation, the lower canal was swollen a lot, so it was unnatural when talking or making facial expressions. keke In the case of fat grafting, I put it in three places: temple, nasolabial folds, and under the eyes, but I think my personal favorite is under the eyes! There is no such off at all! If you look at the reviews of people who have originally had under-eye fat transplantation in other places,
I was worried that they might return to their original state over time. It seemed like it~ It was a surgery that I really liked! 10 months

Hello~ This is the 10th month review of facial contouring and fat grafting~! Usually, if you forcefully do facial contouring on the cheekbones and chin, there can be side effects such as sagging skin, but I have no sagging skin at all lol. I know it's so soft! Seriously, now I have my hair behind my ears, I tie my hair in an all-back, and I am so used to this kind of daily life. 🙂 Looking at the pictures before surgery, I wondered why I didn't do it sooner.. In the case of fat transplantation, under the eyes, temples, and nasolabial folds give the greatest satisfaction in this order. I think that! I've heard a lot of people say that it's because under-eye blemishes are improving because it's probably because I had severe under-eye puffiness! Rather than a noticeable difference on the temple side, the line connecting the cheekbones feels more natural!! Haha Oh, and the surgery that I am most satisfied with is the cheekbone surgery~ The part that makes my face feel smaller when I wash my face the most! Haha I was worried about what to do if the clown breast didn't go away, but now I can't see it at all and the discomfort has gone away for a long time hehe The thing I was most worried about after the operation was the side effect, because the doctor's skills and the hospital's follow-up care were good, so there were really no side effects. I'm so glad ㅠㅠ If you're worried about presbyopia/ferocious impression, I'll recommend View Plastic Surgery. 🙂Hello at 11 months . This is a review of 3 types of facial contouring and fat grafting at 11 months!

First of all, this is a review of fat grafting on the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and temples. Even though it's 11 months old, it's been maintained well without any side effects! Since it is autologous fat, fat grafted sites can quickly adhere to it, but I think the frontal cheek implants are especially well maintained~!! Since I didn't have much fat on my face, I was worried about what would happen if the fat graft site fell out quickly, but it's still holding up so much better than I thought!! I think a plump front cheek is essential
for a young face. There are so many reviews that the facial contours have sagging skin from a certain moment, so I was worried even before the surgery. It's amazing.. Even people around me never knew if I had surgery until I said it, and even if I say it, most of the reactions are elastic enough to ask if I've lifted the sagging lol. I'm very satisfied with the look hehe I'm sure the strong impression before the surgery has disappeared and I've heard less people say that I look tired, so I think I'll be able to look at the job interview with more confidence! It is highly recommended for those who want to become naturally beautiful ~ 1st year

Hello~ This is the first-year review of cheekbones, square jaw facial contour, and 3 types of fat grafting! A year has already passed so much that it goes without saying that I had a lot of troubles and worries before I decided to have the surgery for the first time. But really, there was no such common sagging, and there was no pain after surgery at all ㅠㅠ Of course, individual constitution is important, but I think it is more important to have surgery not to overdo it. ㅋㅋ I just wanted to fix the bad part! So I think it's more satisfying. Hehe In the case of fat grafting, under-eye fat grafting is the most satisfactory operation. In the past, if you were under a fluorescent lamp, it was really dull as if someone had painted black under the eyes, but now it is naturally that part. But it was just deleted! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I think I've changed so much~ I really like how confident I am now, and I'm just so grateful to the doctor who made me like this ㅠㅠ!!